Welcome to the HQ Creator Hub! We’re a group focused on celebrating, highlighting, and promoting our Haikyuu!! creators!Please check below for more information!

Finn | they/them

I’m so excited to meet all the wonderful creators HQ has to offer and I can’t wait to watch you all grow! 🌿

Andie | she/her

I can’t wait to meet all you lovely creators and scream affectionately at you about your beautiful works!! (And then scream off rooftops about them too!!)

Erm | she/her

As a first time mod, it’s an honor to help foster such a fun and safe environment for haikyuu creators to come together and let their creativity shine ☀️

Havoc | they/he

o to support all lovely haikyuu creators big and small ♡ and challenge you! i hope we can serve to inspire you all :)

Anna | she/they

let’s inspire each other to create, and support all creators as much as we can!

What is the Haikyuu Creator Hub?
The Haikyuu Creator Hub is a server that encourages collaboration and community between artists and authors in the Haikyuu community. The server hosts two bimonthy events: HQ Creator Spotlights and the Greatest Decoy Challenge.
Is there an age limit to join the server?
Yes. Members of the server and participants in any event must be at least 16 years or older. Those who are under 18 are barred from any and all NSFW content. Please do not lie about your age. If you are caught doing so, you will be banned from the server and any future events hosting by the Haikyuu Creator Club.
Does joining the server mean I have to participate in events?
Not at all! We want to server to be a comfortable and safe place for all of the Haikyuu fandom community. If you want to pop it to work on writing, get a fic rec, or simply chat, you are welcome to do so.
What are creator spotlights?
Creator spotlights are a place for the community to recognize art and fic that might go unnoticed. Reccomendations can be sent to us via Twitter, where we will retweet and share, or on Discord in our rec channels. We will also be featuring two creators in the fandom each month as our “Haikyuu Baddies,” which will also be chosen by community members.
What is the Greatest Decoy Challenge?
You may have heard of “decoy challenges” before. This is similar. The challenge is a bimonthly event that gives artists and authors the opportunity to connect and/or collaborate on works based on a highlighted prompt. Submissions are anonymous and will be added to a collection on Archive of Our Own. All submissions, both writing and art works, will be posted on Twitter and shared in the official Discord Server.
I still have questions!
You can reach out to us in our questions channel in Discord, via our DMs on Twitter, or through our CuriousCat.

What is the Greatest Decoy Challenge?The Greatest Decoy challenge is a bimonthly event that gives artists and authors the opportunity to connect and/or collaborate on works based on a highlighted prompt. Submissions are anonymous and will be added to a collection on Archive of Our Own. All submissions, both writing and art works, will be posted on Twitter and shared in the official Haikyuu Creator Hub Discord Server.Participants will have two weeks to submit a writing submission with 500 words minimum and 3,000 words maximum. Artists will submit a sketch that reflects when they can manage to produce in two week’s time. This could be a sketch with minimal color, or something along those lines.Works will be submitted via a Google form and can be posting to a collection on Archive of Our Own if decided. Once submitted, works will be anonymously highlighted on Twittee with graphics and links. Artwork will be directly posted onto Twitter.The person whose piece receives the highest number of incorrect guesses will receive the title of “The Greatest Decoy” and will have their submission featured and pinned to Twitter and in the discord. They will also have a special role in the discord server and the chance to pick a new emoji to add to the server.

How does guessing work?Anyone can participate in the guessing portion of this event. Guesses will be submitted via a google form. The person with the highest number of correct answers will get the opportunity to select a prompt for a future round.This event is for Haikyuu only. Ships for each round will be decided by a Twitter poll. Three ships will be allowed per round to make things easier on the mods and participants. Those who do not wish to write for any of the selected ships do not need to participate.Live guessing will take place in discord. Participants can vote on what time works best. Following, submissions will be revealed on Ao3, and highlights will be posted on Twitter.